Time is not on your side 


The SUN burns brave to the end of its day
or it did NOT rise in the morning.

A WOMAN casts her shadow full across
the round of her life and beyond
or she was NEVER born.

The SINGER shapes his SONG so clear 
that aeons hence others will hear and proclaim   

”Surely these were a worthy race
and still they live though so long dead!”

or there was NEITHER song NOR singer.

The sole measure of time is ETERNITY--
that instant of SILENCE between one 
tick of the cosmic cuckoo clock 
and the next.

                    Never Always, Just Run

   How fortunate to be born knowing it's already too late.

      That you must seize the day on the eve of its dawn,

             savor hours that have not yet fully ripened.

                     Run before you are able to crawl,

                      Sing when you can barely speak,

                   Live because you are already dying.

              There is only this moment and it so brief.

                          Wait for nothing and none.

                                        Just run.

Lucky Komix XIIILucky Komix_XIII
Komix XIIIKomix XIII

Will de Kypia

Komix XIII